All you need are 10 minutes for these 5-ingredient cheesy stuffed crescent rolls. They make the perfect side to soups, salads, roast meats and pasta dishes!

Cheesy Stuffed Garlic Butter Crescent Rolls – All you need are 10 minutes for these 5-ingredient cheesy stuffed crescent rolls. They make the perfect side!|

Nudged alongside a warm winter soup, there’s nothing better than fluffy bread pulled fresh from the oven. Usually, I’ll just serve my favorite soups (Curried Butternut Squash and Creamy Broccoli Cheddar) with a hunk of French bread and a salad.

But, I think I’ve found something even better to appeal to the cheese-lover in me! (And all of us.)

Cheesy Stuffed Garlic Butter Crescent Rolls

yield: 8 ROLLS


  • 1 8 oz. can refrigerated crescent rolls
  • 4 string cheeses, halved crosswise
  • 2 Tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 1 clove garlic, minced


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a small bowl, combine melted butter with Italian seasoning and garlic.
  3. Unroll crescent rolls and separate into triangles. Brush with garlic butter, reserving some to brush on tops of assembled rolls. Place halved string cheese at widest end, and roll up. Brush tops with more garlic butter.
  4. Bake for 10 minutes, or until lightly browned. Serve warm.
  5. Enjoy!

Cheesy Stuffed Garlic Butter Crescent Rolls – All you need are 10 minutes for these 5-ingredient cheesy stuffed crescent rolls. They make the perfect side!|

These soft, golden crescent rolls stuffed with mozzarella make a cheesy, oh-so easy side to any meal.

In addition to soups, I’ve served them up with roasted and grilled meats, salads, stuffed peppers and pasta dishes. Just to name a few weeknight favorites!

Cheesy Stuffed Garlic Butter Crescent Rolls – All you need are 10 minutes for these 5-ingredient cheesy stuffed crescent rolls. They make the perfect side!|

These little cuties are so simple to create, too – and would be fun for the kids in your kitchen! Just separate your crescent rolls into triangles on a floured surface, and brush them with a garlic butter. (If you’re short on time, you can use 1/4 tsp. garlic powder instead of freshly minced garlic.) Add half a string cheese to the widest end, roll up and tuck in the sides so all that cheesy goodness doesn’t escape! Brush on a bit more butter, then bake until golden and gorgeous.

Cheesy Stuffed Garlic Butter Crescent Rolls – All you need are 10 minutes for these 5-ingredient cheesy stuffed crescent rolls. They make the perfect side!|

Just 10 minutes and 5 ingredients is all you need! You have no excuse not to bake up these beauties, so grab your ingredients and get to cookin’. You’ll love these!

Cheesy Stuffed Garlic Butter Crescent Rolls – All you need are 10 minutes for these 5-ingredient cheesy stuffed crescent rolls. They make the perfect side!|