This Pizza Toast is a quick and easy way to satisfy a pizza craving. Perfect for a quick lunch or after school snack, you can adapt it with all your own pizza toppings and it's a great way to get kids involved in the kitchen and trying new vegetables.

Four slices of pizza toast on a baking tray next to a bowl of pizza sauce.

Pizza toast is about as quick and easy as comfort food gets! Chunky slices of toast topped with a homemade pizza sauce, cheese, vegetables and any other pizza topping you like. Pizza toast has all that delicious pizza flavour, without the hassle of making pizza dough. It's also perfectly portioned, as you just make as many slices as you need.

I don't know about you, but when our kids get back from nursery, school or sports clubs, they are always starving and demanding snacks - this is a quick and filling option. Ready in just 5 minutes, this isn't just for kids. Grown-ups will love these pizza toasts as a snack or light lunch.


Four slices of pizza toast on a baking tray.

Easy Pizza Toast

By: Dannii
Pizza toast has all that delicious pizza flavour, without the hassle of making pizza dough. It's also perfectly portioned, as you just make as many slices as you need.
An illustration of a v-shaped plant.
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Course: Lunch
Cuisine: British, Italian
Prep: 2 mins
Cook: 5 mins
Total: 7 mins
Servings: + servings
Calories: 302kcal
An illustration of a carton of milk.
An illustration of two ears of wheat.


  • 4 slice Bread
  • 8 tablespoon Pizza sauce
  • 50 g (1.75 oz) Ham
  • 30 g (0.25 cups) Mozzarella - grated
  • 30 g (0.25 cups) Cheddar cheese - grated
  • 2 Cherry tomatoes - sliced


  • Toast 4 slice Bread.
  • Spread 8 tablespoon Pizza sauce over each slice.
  • Top with 50 g Ham and 30 g Mozzarella.
  • Add the slices 2 Cherry tomatoes and the 30 g Cheddar cheese.
  • Add the slices of tomato and the grated cheddar. Put back under the grill (broiler) until the cheese melts.


  • Fresh herbs are option, but they add a lovely fresh flavour to these.
  • If you don't want to make your own pizza sauce, try to use the best quality one you can buy as you really will be able to taste the difference. A fresh sauce is always best.
  • A little drizzle of olive oil really finishes off the pizza toasts nicely.
  • Add a green vegetable boost to these with some chopped spinach and grated courgette. Just make sure to squeeze any excess liquid out of the courgette, otherwise it will make the toast soggy.

Nutritional Information

Serving: 2pizzas | Calories: 302kcal | Carbohydrates: 29g | Protein: 19g | Fat: 13g | Saturated Fat: 7g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 5g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 43mg | Sodium: 1095mg | Potassium: 438mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 7g | Vitamin A: 599IU | Vitamin C: 8mg | Calcium: 273mg | Iron: 3mg
DisclaimerThe nutritional information provided is approximate and is calculated using online tools. Information can vary depending on various factors, but we have endeavoured to be as accurate as possible.

Extra tips

 Fresh herbs are option, but they add a lovely fresh flavour to these.
 If you don't want to make your own pizza sauce, try to use the best quality one you can buy as you really will be able to taste the difference. A fresh sauce is always best.
 A little drizzle of olive oil really finishes off the pizza toasts nicely.
 Add a green vegetable boost to these with some chopped spinach and grated courgette. Just make sure to squeeze any excess liquid out of the courgette, otherwise it will make the toast soggy.

Why you will love it

  • Quick and easy - It only takes 5 minutes to make these pizza toasts. Just toast the bread, top it and put it back under the grill to melt. Simple!
  • Satisfies pizza craving - When those pizza cravings hit (we have all been there), but you don't want to wait for a pizza delivery, make some of this.
  • Kids love it - I don't think I have ever met a kid that doesn't love pizza. Not only will they love eating it, but they will love helping to make it. Let them pick their own toppings and load it up. It's also a great way to introduce kids to new vegetables, and they can be chopped up and "hidden" under the cheese.
  • Adaptable - The great thing about these is that they are so easy to adapt. Everyone has a favourite pizza topping, so get creative. It's a great way to use up whatever vegetables you have in the fridge.

Ingredients needed

All the ingredients needed for this recipe with text overlay labels.
  • Bread - You can use any bread you like. We used slices of tiger loaf, as it's our favourite. But you could use sourdough, granary or even something like an English muffin, bagel or crumpet. It needs to be a good solid base though.
  • Pizza sauce - We have included the recipe for our easy homemade pizza sauce which just adds to much flavour to this. If you already have some made, then this is quick and easy. You can use a store bought pizza sauce or just some tomato puree (paste) if you didn't have any.
  • Cheese - We used a mature cheddar because it has a strong flavour so you don't need to use as much of it. We also added some mozzarella because it melts well.
  • Ham - Our kids love ham on a pizza, and adding some parma ham makes it feel a bit more grown up. You can leave this out if you want to keep it vegetarian.
  • Tomatoes - These add some colour and freshness. There are lots of other vegetables you can add and we have given some options below.

A full ingredients list with measurements is in the recipe card below.

How to make pizza toast - Step by step

One: Toast the bread.

Two shot collage of four slices of bread on a baking tray, before and after toasting.

Two: Spread the pizza sauce over each slice.

Pizza sauce added to the bread and then spread over each slice.

Three: Top with the ham and mozzarella.

Slices of ham and grated cheese added to each slice.

Four: Add the slices of tomato and the grated cheddar. Put back under the grill (broiler) until the cheese melts.

Slices of tomato and more cheese added.

Pizza sauce

What makes these pizza toasts really special is the homemade pizza sauce. If you are making it yourself, then it does add some time on to this recipe, but it is totally worth it. Just 6 ingredients (that you probably already have in your kitchen) and 10 minutes and you have yourself an Easy Pizza Sauce that is perfect for pizza night. Once you have tried making it yourself, you will never go back to store bought again.

It stores well so you can make it and then keep it in the fridge for a few days to make these quick and easy pizza toasts. If you want want to make your own, then use a good quality store bought one or in a pinch you could use a couple of tablespoons of tomato puree with some garlic and dried herbs mixed in to it.

A bowl of pizza sauce with a small spoon in it.


The great thing about these pizza toasts is that they are so easy to adapt! Whatever you would usually put on to a pizza, you can put on these! You don't have much room to work with, as the base is a slice of bread rather than a big pizza base, but there is still plenty of room for some of your favourite toppings.

Here are some of our favourite pizza toppings:

  • Goats cheese
  • Chopped spinach
  • Feta
  • Grated courgette (squeeze out excess water first)
  • Cooked shredded chicken
  • Chopped bell peppers
  • Grated mushrooms
  • Pineapple (controversial, I know)
  • Pesto
  • Sundried tomatoes
  • Broccoli
  • BBQ sauce
  • Cooked bacon
  • Onion
  • Pepperoni
Melted cheese and tomatoes on toast with some basil leaves.

What to serve them with

We think these are perfect for a light lunch or an after school snack. However, if you wanted to serve these as more of a filling meal, then we have a few ideas for side dishes that would be delicious with these.

If you want some extra carbs (I mean, who doesn't?!), then why not try our Crispy Garlic Smashed Potatoes, Fries with our amazing French Fry SeasoningBaked Sweet Potato Fries or Parmesan Truffle Fries.

If side salads are more your thing, then we have got you covered. Try our Little Gem SaladBroccoli SaladBeetroot and Goats Cheese Salad or No Mayo Coleslaw.

Want to get some more vegetables in your life? These pizza toasts will go well with our Garlic Green BeansAir Fryer Carrots, or Roasted Lemon Asparagus.

Slices of pizza toast topped with basil leaves.